IntEn Corporation converts our medical practice customers' patient-lists ("panels") exported as comma-separated values (CSV) files from Practice Fusion to CSV files suitable for importing/uploading to CRISP as "initial" (i.e. non-delta) panels. Each exported CSV file we receive from a medical practice is checked for duplicate records (based on CRISP's sorting criteria for patient IDs), and a rudimentary record-validity test is performed in which any record in a panel which contains one or more empty fields (of the nine required by CRISP) is flagged. For each exported CSV file received from a medical practice customer two sets of four "reports" are returned to that customer as CRISP-formatted CSV files. Each four-file set includes a:
The four reports/conversions listed above are generated for both a "minimum" case and "maximum" case, whereby a:
All reports are sorted by patient ID per CRISP's sorting criteria.
The intent of the eight total generated reports is to allow a medical practice to quickly identify those EHR's under Practice Fusion which will benefit from editing, and to balance maximizing the number of records successfully imported to CRISP by that practice while minimizing the number of records rejected by CRISP when the practice wisely chooses which of the reports (i.e. "full", "good", "minimum", "maximum") to select for uploading to CRISP. Alternatively; IntEn Corporation will - as a complimentary service to our customers - make this selection decision at a customer's request and perform the panel upload on that customer's behalf.
CRISP's definition of a "bad" record (which is less rudimentary than IntEn Corporation's definition) is not simply whether a required field in the record is empty, but - in some cases - whether the data in a field is unreasonable (e.g. alphabetic characters in a field intended for a ZIP code) or improperly formatted for CRISP, ergo the potential need for record validation and correction (within Practice Fusion) by the medical practice between that practice's CSV file submissions to IntEn Corporation. Exported records containing dates in Practice Fusion's default format (of CCYY-MM-DD) are converted to CRISP's required format (of MM/DD/CCYY) by IntEn Corporation.
Since the eight "reports" generated by IntEn Corporation per CSV file exported from Practice Fusion by a medical practice/customer are themselves CSV files they can (but are not required to) be edited by practices before importing/uploading to CRISP. For example; Practices wishing to perform delta rather than "initial" imports/uploads to CRISP can edit any "good" CSV file generated by IntEn Corporation by populating the "Member_Status" field (with the string "ADD", "MODIFY", or "DELETE", as appropriate) of every record in the file.
The cost of IntEn Corporation's medical record conversion service is a function of the number and frequency of panels received (as records in exported CSV files) for processing/conversion by IntEn on a per-practice/customer basis:
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